Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Unseen Scars & The Damage That They Cause

Emotional abuse is not only hurtful, it attacks and decimates a child's self esteem. It is particularly damaging to the child's sense of self worth and emotional development. A child who endures emotional abuse can experience long term effects that will carry over into adulthood. The most disturbing part of emotional abuse, though, is that it is very difficult to prove or even recognize. It does not leave bruises or visible scars like physical abuse does. However, there are ways to detect emotional child abuse, and what actions you can take to stop it.

What is Emotional Abuse?

A pattern of behavior directed toward a child by an authority figure in the child's life that attacks his or her emotional wellbeing is emotional abuse. When a parent or authority figure places unreasonable, excessive or impossible demands on the child, uses intimidation and aggressive methods or uses verbal attacks it can be considered emotional abuse. Verbal attacks may include belittling, rejecting, cruel teasing, constant criticism and insulting. In short, any attack that undermines that child's self esteem is child abuse. Emotional abuse can also mean psychological or emotional neglect. When the parent or caregiver denies the child love, guidance or support, they are robbing that child of the ability to experience normal psychological growth and development.

Emotional Abuse vs Physical Abuse

While physical abuse is terrible, emotional abuse may, in some ways, be even more heinous. In fact, many people feel that emotional abuse is worse. With physical abuse, the victim is validated. The scars and bruises are visible. There is tangible evidence that abuse has occurred. However, emotional abuse is not so easily detected. There are no scars, no bruises. There is only a barrage of emotional pain that tears down the child, wrecking his or her psychological well being. Much of the time, the victim of emotional abuse feels that they are to blame, that they somehow caused the abuse. They may even feel that they are "crazy" or that they are in error by feeling that they are being abused. The abuser often contributes to this twisted way of thinking, actually convincing the victim that they "made" the abuser hurt them or that if only they were better, smarter, prettier, whatever, they would not be hurt. The scars run deep, but they are not so easily seen.

Impacts of Emotional Abuse: Immediate and Long Term

The effects of emotional abuse can be devastating and difficult to reverse. The body mends, but when the mind, spirit or psychology is broken, it is a much longer and more difficult road to repair it. Emotional abuse impacts the child's psychological, emotional, social and cognitive development. The effects may appear immediately and plague the child well into adulthood. Those effects can manifest in the child in some heartbreaking ways. Some common problems that may result from emotional abuse include:
  • Insecurity
  • Social Withdrawal
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Poor Self Esteem
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Destructive Behavior
  • Depression
  • Anti Social Behavior
  • Impaired Development of Basic Skills
  • Defiant Behavior Particularly with Authority Figures
  • Difficulty in Forming and Maintaining Relationships
  • Unstable Job History
  • Suicide
These effects may occur in varying degrees, ranging from mild to self destructive. Sometimes, placing the child in a loving, supportive environment can rebuild what the emotional abuse has torn down, but quite often, professional psychiatric care is necessary.

Know the Signs

While emotional abuse does not carry the bruises and scars that are hallmark indicators of typical abuse, there are ways to detect it. The indicators usually depend upon the age of the child, but one of the primary red flags is a child whose behavior is not consistent with his or her age. Some observable indicators of child emotional abuse include:
  • Rocking
  • Sucking (thumb, fingers, etc) or Biting His or Her Self
  • Inappropriate Aggression
  • Stealing
  • Lying
  • Destructive to Other People or to Property
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Speech Disorders
  • Restricts Play Activities or Experiences
  • Compulsive
  • Obsessive
  • Excessive Anger
  • Has Phobias
  • Hysterical Outbursts
A child's behavior can also be a strong indicator of abuse. Some telling behaviors include:
  • Self Destructive
  • Withdrawn
  • Makes Negative Statements about Himself or Herself
  • Overly Aggressive
  • Shy or Passive
  • Cruel to Animals
  • Overly Demanding
  • Overly Compliant
  • Delay in Physical, Mental and Emotional Development
  • Cruel to Others
Family behaviors can also indicate emotional abuse. If you are in a position to observe the family, some red flags to look for are:
  • Indifference Toward the Child's Welfare or Problems
  • Is Cold Toward the Child
  • Rejects the Child
  • Blames the Child
  • Puts the Child Down
  • Call the Child Cruel, Damaging or Inappropriate Names
  • Withholds Affection
  • Shows Preferential Treatment to Siblings
It is important to keep in mind, however, that isolated incidents do not necessarily indicate abuse. These behaviors can be attributed to traumatic events in the child's life or something that upsets the child. The key factor in determining if the behavior indicates abuse is if there is a pattern of behavior. In that case, the tell tale signs should not be ignored and action should be taken.
How you can HelpIf a child comes to you and reports that they are being abused, proceed carefully so that you can best help the child.
Stay calm. Your first reaction may be to get angry. Don't. Stay calm and try not to let your face register any shock, anger or disgust you may feel on the inside.
Avoid Denial. You may be tempted to deny what they child says, tell them that they must be mistaken. This is a big mistake. If you feel that you are going to deny what the child is telling you, just close your mouth and listen.
Be Reassuring. Give the child a safe place to speak, a place where they are not judges or criticized. Reassure them.
Do not Interrogate. Sit back and let the child talk. Stay away from leading questions or making statements about what happened. Just let them talk and you just listen.
Tell the Child that they did not do Anything Wrong. It is very difficult for a child to step up and tell someone that they have been abused. Let them know that you take what they said seriously and that it is not their fault.
Reporting child abuse can be difficult on a personal level. You may feel that you are "meddling" in someone else's affairs, breaking up a family or disrupting people's lives. However, by reporting suspected child abuse, you are making a difference in the life of a child. Sometimes we have to intervene to stop damaging and destructive behaviors that are being done to people who are weaker or have no voice, no power to stop it. When you step up and take action on behalf of a child in this position, you will not only make a difference in that child's life, you may also touch the lives of all of the people involved.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Back to my bad self!

Sometimes you just know when its time to get back to your normal self & for me it was over the last 5 days. I just had an epiphany, it actually happen at about 4pm on Thursday last week......

Now some of you would know that I was seeing a widower during the summer & I thought it was going quite well, I met his step children, I met his late wifes in laws, then out of the blue at the beginning of September he told me that were weren't having a relationship we were just friends! Well I don't know about you, but I do NOT sleep with my male friends, I do NOT cuddle up with my male friends & I do NOT hold hands with my male friends.

There was a lot building up at this point, everything got on top of me & I had a breakdown. My work was so good to me, I had 5 weeks off of work, my family was supportive & my friends were as always just wonderful & gradually with all this love & support I have gotten better, I wouldn't say I was 100% but I am getting there.

Now back to last Thursday, my phone rang & it was this widower telling me that he had missed me & that he now wanted to have a relationship with just one cotten picking minute you need a little bit of background on this man......

He has been married 5 times, the last wife passed away 2 months after they married & left him with her two children, one of which is disable. He met her in Febuary 2012, married her 10 months later & she passed away a year after meeting him, he knew she was ill & I can understand that she needed to make sure her children were cared for as her family would only take on the able bodied child. She always had a man living with her, she was never single, to me that smacks of desperation & it just seems as if she was looking for someone to care for her children. You can never know someone well enough after just a few months, he moved in with her after two days of knowing her. All this information came from him & the little girls carer who I knew.
Less than a month after she had passed away he was dating again, using a dating website & letting different women stay over, how confusing must that have been for those poor children, mind you I suppose that is what they were used to with their mother. My friend got in touch with me & said could she give him my number, at this point I knew nothing about him, I didn't even know how long he had been married for or how long he had be widowed for. He told me all about it all when we went out for dinner, then came the text messages all day long & him wanting to see me everyday. I spent all summer with him & his step children, who I got on with. The only thing I really wasn't happy with was they way he spoke to the eldest girl, he was always telling her that her mum hated her & that if she didn't behave he would have her put in care.
The relationship ended, by me, when he told me that we were just friends.....
Out of the blue one day he got in touch to tell me that someone had got in touch with social services & complained about the way he spoke to the children, I knew then he was trying to find out if it was me, it wasn't but I had to agree with the person that did get in touch with them. Personally I would have spoken to him myself. Of course this young girl was acting up, she had lost her mum, had to deal with watching her mum be so very ill & accept a new man in her mums life who she was told to call dad, her biological dad had only been back in her life for a month before this new man arrived on the scene. An adult would have trouble dealing with this but a child of 12 is of course going to be confused by it.

Now with that information back to last Thursday, so he tells me he now wants a relationship with me, but he still wants to be able to text different women he has met online.....errrr NO! I knew straight away that I didn't want him in my life or anything to do with him, but I made him wait until I was ready to tell him. During this time he told me that the so called mutual friend had shown him text messages I had sent her when I was hurting in September, now I can say these were not nice texts, they were mean, who hasn't sent text messages to a friend slagging an ex off? So I brooded all weekend on this & then decided that if I didn't confront them both it would eat away at me & affect my mental health again & there is no way I am risking that. I decided that I would go to his house when I finished work on Monday night........

I was invited in & offered a cup of tea, no thank you I'm not stopping. I asked him what he wanted to talk to me about & he started telling me that he wanted a relationship with me but only if he could carry on texting other women. I stopped him then & told him that I was sorry but I didn't want a relationship with him but I had the balls to tell him to his face not over a text message. I then told him that I had to go. As I was leaving I turned to my "friend" & said that to her that I was really disappointed in her because she had shown him text messages between the two of us. He then started shouting me down, that she hadn't so I told him that he had told me that she had, he said she told me about them & I just looked at him & said that is as bad & that no friend would do that if they actually were a friend. He then started shouting at me that I wasn't a friend anyway as it was me that reported him to social services, I told him that no it wasn't & if he thought that about me then why had he said he wanted a relationship with me? No answer, surprise surprise! I opened the front door to leave & said to him that I was going to wish him luck with his court case on Wednesday, he is going for guardianship of these children, but I really didn't think he should have them as he didn't deserve them & he was only keeping them to keep a roof over his head & the benefits that he got for them. Then I walked out & shut the door. THe front door opened & he shouted after me that I needed to go & take another pill, I turned around, smiled at him & told him that I was feeling great as I had taken two that morning!

I kept my dignity, held my head high, didn't swear once & walked away. I actually felt as if a great weight had been lifted from me. I hadn't lost a friend & a potential partner I had gained my self respect & got myself back.

The only thing that actually worries me is the children that are left in his care, he has a criminal record for violence against women & if the older one really rebels then I fear for her, but I just hope that the authorities do what they are supposed to do & make sure she is ok.

And that my friends is how I have got back to being me!
