Friday, 10 May 2013

A couple of tales from other people.

I was told a couple of dating stories this week, I am not going to name the person who told me, but needless to say I found them very funny so I thought I would share them with all my lovely nutjobs......

A friend of mine went on a first date, please remember it was a FIRST date, my friend is male so this is from his point of view. He & the female decided that they would go for a country walk, all is going well, they are chatting & strolling, both wearing sensible shoes.....well no point in wearing a decent pair in case of mud!
They decided to go for a bit to eat & as they were near the females home, they both went back there first to tidy themselves up, she needed to put something more suitable for a restaurant & he needed to get the mud off his shoes.
While he is wiping the mud from his shoes, she calls him to come into another room, where he finds her, stark naked laying on her bed.......After he managed to get his jaw from the floor he told her he had something in the van for her & would be right back......he got in the van & went home! Moral of this story.......hold something back ladies! Lol

This is a story from the same person but about his sister.....Now is sister has been on a couple of dates with this one particular guy, he has now invited her to his house for a meal. How romantic I hear you saying, but wait what is this, our female is sitting at the table waiting to be served when the gentleman enters the room wearing nothing but his apron, stockings, suspenders, french knickers & a bra.......needless to say there was no sausage for dinner that evening!

Sometimes hearing other peoples stories makes me feel so much better about my terrible dates!

But an update on the guy that stood me up.....he has deleted my number & told me that I am not funny, is this man stupid? Of course I am funny, I must have a sense of humour I was going to let him take me out!

I do have some classic comebacks to share with you all but I will publish those later x

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