I suppose I should tell you how I got into internet dating in the first place, I blame my friend Julie, she told me it was a laugh & as I was bored I decided that why not lets give it a go. I was given instructions on what to put on my profile & I stand by this completely : I don't not want to watch you masturbate on camera, You will not see me masturbate on camera, I will not send you pictures. Anyway she signed me up to GIRLS DATE FOR FREE, yes its free!!!! Within an hour theres hundreds of views, ok so maybe not hundreds but a girls got to have ambition. One man caught my eye, nice looking, his profile was funny & he kept coming to look at mine. Being brave, I am behind a computer, I sent him a message telling him to stop viewing me & chat, & he did!!! Wayhey!
The only drawback is he lives in Swindon! Thats ok we can just chat, eases me back into the dating scene. So we chat for a while, I told him where I worked, not where I live & within a week of us chatting I am getting flowers, then shoes.......ahhhhhh he had me at shoes!
He tells me he owns his own business & its successful, HELLO I have a live one! Not that I am all about the money but its nice to get presents!
But he wants to meet me & would I like to come to Swindon, he will put me up in a hotel & pay for it & he will stay at his house......OMG this man is a gentleman!!! Hell yes I am going to Swindon!
Now the hotel was out of this world, the Pear Tree at Purton if you ever get chance go there, lovely 5 star jobby. I met him just off the motorway so he could lead me to the hotel. All I knew was that his car was a MR2 gold thing, it meant nothing to me, turns out the car was famous in its own right, music videos, films, video games oh & porn magazines.....!
Now I had a lovely weekend & he was a complete gent, he paid for everything, so I thought I may as well see him again. This went on for a while, me travelling to swindon & him paying for everything, even to the point of him buying me a car, mobile phone & gucci handbag. Now that really makes me sound terrible but I always travelled there, the phone was so he could call me & it would cost nothing, the bag was a christmas gift.
Eventually I stayed at his house & different things started to fall into place, the house wasn't quite what he made it out to be, but we all stretch the truth now & then, the business wasn't quite as successful as he said, now money doesn't bother me, possessions don't interest me, but being lied to does.
The final couple of straws that broke me were when I realised that his funny profile was actually true:
Oh yes dear god it was like throwing a sausages up an alley & thats after I have had my designer vagina! lol & when we were out for dinner one evening he asked me to put his denture glue in my handbag, yes my gucci bag!!!!
But I ended it in a very low way, I managed to change the name on the log book to the car over to me, it was a gift so it was mine! I took the sim out of the phone, I liked the phone not then number & I sent it back to him! Now thats no worse than texting "Your're dumped"...........and that is how I became single 4 years ago!
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