Monday, 22 April 2013

How did I end up getting back into dating??

I suppose I should tell you all about how come I have ended up dating in my forties, what I hear you scream you are in your forties??? I know people I am looking good! And yes I have a sense of humour to go along with it!
Anyway, you all know how it goes, boy meets girl, boy marries girl, HUGE white wedding, well pink really, life returns to normal!
Really my ex husband & I were far to young to get married, when I look at my daughter now I cant imagine her getting married in 2 years time but I was only 20 & as silly as arseholes! But we got married, I should have just had a 21st party that year, it would have been cheaper! Thankfully 12 years after we got divorced my ex has finally agreed that we were just to young.
I am thankful that we had our 2 kids, ok so they drive me insane but I wouldn't change a thing & they are my whole world.
So the ex & I are married, mortgaged & have 2 kids, time to grow up, well that ends up being the woman's job & the men just carry on going out, drinking, playing football & so it happens chasing women!
Now the ex started off as a nice guy but somewhere along the line he became what can only be classed as a knob! Thankfully my mum brought me up to realise that revenge is silent.....ladies this is where you start taking notes:
If he comes in late - take his toothbrush in your right hand & proceed to the toilet, what you will now do is clean it, really give it a good scrub, well you aren't going to kiss him any time soon are you?
If he dares to answer you back - toothbrush again, for this you need a pet of some sort, dogs are the best, cos your dog will now be the only one in your street with minty fresh breath.
Whoops dropped his steak on the floor, quick brush it off, put it on his plate & watch him really enjoy his dinner.
Ok so that is all quite childish but it realy does make you feel so much better......
After 9 years of marriage it sadly ended, these things happen & it was actually no-ones fault just one of those things.
But then after brushing myself off, picking myself up I am back to the dating game & along the way I have met many absolute knobs & had some extremley funny dates & some met some interesting people. But utimately I am still single, but that is actually how I like it.
I have learnt some valuable lessons & learnt about myself & the things I like & the men that I am attracted to I just hope you enjoy the ride!

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