Thursday, 25 April 2013

Happy Divorce Day!

Well 12 years ago today my marriage was disolved.....sad yes, no-one expects to get married just to get divorced, but for me it was over & done with, apart from having two kids so the contact will always have to be there.
I made the decision to keep my married name, it makes life so much easier with the kids & of course it just irritated the life out of the ex as well.....But thats actually mean & I am not going to be mean HA HA HA!

My ex moved on very quickly, but all credit to him he has had the same partner for 13 years or so. I would imagine that it works because he lives in Surrey all week & she lives in Dorset, so they are only actually together 2 days a week. He did try to convince everyone that he was living in Dorset & travelling Hayes for work daily but we all know how mean he is with his money so he would never spend on petrol like that! He also told us all in the end that he lives with his younger brothers during the week.

This is only a short blog as today I am just going to sit here & glow in my bubble of divorced happiness......

To all of you that are going through a divorce it does get better, it does get easier & life turns out pretty much ok in the end!

So everyone enjoy your day, I intend to enjoy mine, I might actually treat myself to a big old bar of chocolate later in celebration.....

Sending you love & blessings xx

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